Rebecca provides clinical supervision and support for healthcare professionals, psychotherapist’s, counsellor’s, as well as holistic and integrative practitioners. Supervision is a trauma informed, professional service that focuses on the following:
- The relationship between the supervisor and the supervisee
- Code of Ethics and Practice Standards are adhered to
- The development of skills and theoretical knowledge to enhance best practice, develop a critical reflective practice and ensure client safety
Rebecca’s ecological approach to supervision looks at the individual supervisee and the factors that influence their lived experience within the professional, familial and internal structures surrounding them. Offering safe, consistent, therapeutic and long term supervision can often mitigate the impacts of vicarious trauma and burnout, therefore Rebecca’s curious, inquisitive, playful and fair approach to supervision may be suitable for your practice development.
Trauma informed supervision is available for individuals or groups via Telehealth video only.
Group Supervision has a maximum limit of 3-4 people.
To discuss fee structure and Rebecca’s availability, contact Lotus Counselling and Therapy today.